Saturday, January 23, 2010

Post 1: Why are effective Communication Skills important to me?

As my university life is gradually coming to an end, I have gone through many situations in which I had to communicate with various people in a face-to-face manner, as a group, through emails and many other channels. I believe that good communication skills; let it be speaking or listening, are essential to life, as it is the basis through with one can build a good relationship with one’s family, colleagues, neighbours and anyone else you come in contact with, throughout your life.

I am a quiet person by nature and being quite shy too, I find talking in front of an audience to be a tedious and nerve wrecking task. There have been many instances when I have tried to get across a relatively simple message to my friends, group mates but which ended with them misunderstanding me. After a period of self reflection, I realized that the reason behind such incidents was somewhat related to my poor communication skills.

Since I have a lot of presentations coming up (especially my FYP presentation), it is important that I learn how to convey what I want to say to another person or a group in a clear and concise manner to ensure that there is no miscommunication. Thus, I need to get over my fears and so I hope that what I learn in this class will be a good starting point and would help me ‘fight the demons’, so to say.